kk while i love him and want him to win with all my heart, he is not going to with that kind of skating. i relizae it is his first comp in many season but when people like nobunari oda has a free skate that is amazing and just as artistic if not more, as
kk while i love him and want him to win with all my heart, he is not going to with that kind of skating. i relizae it is his first comp in many season but when people like nobunari oda has a free skate that is amazing and just as artistic if not more, as well as landing all of his triple axels, Steph just won't win. his program is at the same unpolished stage as evgeni plushanko's except that plushenko is landing all of his jumps!!! though i do commend him on his beautiful quad!!! keep working!!
I just adore his skating. Plushenko may be betetr technically but he cannot touch Lambiel's artistry. I really do think there is too mush emphasis on the technical. I also really like Weir. Weir and Lambiel are like dancers on ice. Just beautiful and enjo
I just adore his skating. Plushenko may be betetr technically but he cannot touch Lambiel's artistry. I really do think there is too mush emphasis on the technical. I also really like Weir. Weir and Lambiel are like dancers on ice. Just beautiful and enjoyable to watch.
Hi hi hi hai ragione Melek......anche io ho dotvuo fare il passaggio al nuovo layout che in un certo modo (solo di aspetto appare migliore) ma per il resto sembra un gran \"casino\"Io ho passato sia profilo che pagine Fb Fans al nuovo formato prima che FB
Hi hi hi hai ragione Melek......anche io ho dotvuo fare il passaggio al nuovo layout che in un certo modo (solo di aspetto appare migliore) ma per il resto sembra un gran \"casino\"Io ho passato sia profilo che pagine Fb Fans al nuovo formato prima che FB mi obbligasse a farlo qualche giorno fe0 ....... anche per cercare di capirci qualcosa ... ma onestamente per ora ho avuto poco tempo e non sf2 ancora bene come funzioni la cosa. Ma non e8 che mi piacca - questo continuo dovere reimparare come funziona la propria pagina etc etc!Uffi ma volte lasciare tutto come si trova !?